Monday, June 25, 2007

Another LSS bites the dust

I was so excited to find a new LSS a couple years ago. It turns out, the owner has a monthly club that she ran out of her garage, but decided to expand into a real storefront. The store was small, but she always had the latest and greatest. She did so well, she expanded into the space next door. Unfortunately, the store was way too hot in the summer and way too cold in the winter. So she found another space and moved there a couple months ago. I didn't go there much because it was even more out of my way.

It seems that it was all too much work so she's closing her store. She'll still have her online community/store and monthly club, but I'm not involved with either of those. I'll miss it. I did benefit from the 40% off sale, but tried to refrain from buying too much. It's always sad to see a small, successful business close. The ironic thing is she's still got her Grand Opening sign up.


Susan said...

that is really sad!! while I do most of my shopping online, I do like the benefit of having a good lss know for those "need it now" emergencies! lol!

Becca L. said...

too bad. Did you get anything good?

scrapper al said...

I spent waaaaay more than I should have. Though the woman who checked out before me spent $198! It was her third visit (mine too).