Monday, January 12, 2009

No more dieting!

The wedding is over, family photos are done, so I don't have to worry about looking "not thin" any more (I was afraid if I said fat, some of you would be over to give me a slap upside the head). Woo hoo! Chocolate, here I come! Well, not really. I still have those pesky five pounds from a few years ago hanging around my middle and I still want to get rid of them.

My health goals this year are to walk more, eat more fruit, and eat more vegetarian meals. Pretty reasonable and doable, right? Still, if you want help keep me on track, don't send chocolate, but do send encouragement.


Kristie said...

I need to be more active this year. Not even going to say I'll walk more, or exercise, because my body will hear me and reject it immediately! lol But, for some strange reason it can handle the word "active", so, we'll see what happens.

JJ said...

I have one more week till my Wedding, then I can eat the good stuff!!