Saturday, May 27, 2006

So what's five pounds to you?

I joined a new website,, in the hopes of improving my eating habits and losing five pounds. Not that I have bad eating habits, mind you. I like the food tracker so I can check the nutritional mix of what I'm eating. In some ways, I'm doing much better than I thought. No problem with the cholesterol or sodium, except when I hit the fast foods. It is hard to avoid that when going out to lunch with my coworkers. But as hard as I try, I just can't seem to up my fiber intake. I've even taken to snacking on high fiber cereal. Unfortunately, some of the high fiber foods I like are also high sodium. I defintely don't have any blood pressure problems, but I think health-wise, I'd like to avoid as much sodium as possible. Miso soup provides half the amount of daily fiber needed, but 5X the sodium. Unfortunately, I don't think it is a good tradeoff.

I'm a bit discouraged with people say, oh, you're so thin, you don't need to lose weight. Well, my five pounds are like the last five pounds that are so hard to take off. It has been a real struggle and yes, I do need to lose those five pounds. My clothes don't fit right and it is five pounds more than what I weighed last year. Five pounds is almost another clothing size on me. So please, try to encourage my efforts instead of discounting them.

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