Saturday, June 04, 2011

Six on Saturday

  1. A very sweet person sent me some moon cakes. I think I've had them once in the past three years. They just are something I don't think about buying for myself, but I love 'em! Thanks J!
  2. My step average is higher than I expected, but still waaay lower than the rest of the team's. :(
  3. I had a butternut squash, brown rice, green onion, cheese, and cucumber burrito for lunch. Also known as let's-empty-out-the-leftovers-for-lunch burrito. It was surprisingly tasty.
  4. Today I weeded, weeded, weeded, and then planted beets and astilbe (perennial flower). I would have planted basil, but I have no idea where I put the seed packet. I'm still waiting for the bell peppers and squash to sprout. You'd think I would see something after three weeks, shouldn't I?
  5. Sigh, even though it was a short work week, it was really intense. Let's just say that I hate it when a new operating system is on the horizon.
  6. I need to get back to Five on Friday so I don't have to think of so many things to write, lol.
Six on Saturday is a random collection of thoughts from the week. Feel free to post your own thoughts in the comments or on your own blog and link back here.


~TastyTravels~ said...

Yummy moon cakes! I hope you enjoyed them!

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

So, what does a moon cake have in it or what does it taste like?

scrapper al said...

Angie, here are a couple of links that give a good explanation: and When I was a child, we had them once a year so they were a special treat, especially since they were so expensive. But now they are available year round (but still kind of expensive).