Sunday, May 13, 2007


Last night, I saw a dear friend that I hadn't seen in quite a while (she moved out of state). I think I've seen her twice in the past three years, but last night was the first time I saw her, just the two of us. No kids, no other friends.

She decided to fly into town at the last minute and was busy trying to fit in visits with family and friends. Having done the same thing myself, I was flattered to be on her "to see" list.

We tried to find a halfway point to meet and picked a restaurant that we had both heard of and could see from the freeway. It turned out to be quite the happening place and not quite what we had in mind. So we drove around for a bit and ended up on a quaint little street full of restaurants and cute shops. We happened upon a wine bar and it was the perfect place for us--quiet, friendly, reasonably priced. She had a flight and I had my usual cranberry juice, lol. It was wonderful to just sit, relax, and enjoy each other's company. So my advice to you? Spend time with your friends. Something we don't do enough.

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