Thursday, January 28, 2010

My first unfriend

And it didn't hurt at all. Yep, I was unfriended. I finally noticed that I wasn't receiving her updates. Not sure why. Maybe I wasn't interesting enough for her. Or maybe she didn't want me to see her updates. Or maybe she was offended that I didn't comment on her status updates. And maybe I shouldn't think about this at all, lol.

Now, if I unfriend someone, chances are they won't notice since I don't post that many updates, nor do I leave that many comments. Guess I'm not a good Facebook friend.


Carrie said...

Oh my goodness, me too! I wonder if it was the same person :-)

Susan said...

the same person unfriended me twice before I figured it out. I think it is rather silly but whatever!

wwjt said...

it usually takes me days before i notice someone is "gone". i've had a couple in one day (or weekend). ah well...she didn't deserve your friendship then! ;-)

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

I have only unfriended someone once, but it was because it wasn't even someone I knew very well, and she constantly updated her status. I was missing other people's things because of her updates.

I have probably been unfriended before (maybe?), but I'm not observant enough that I would notice. LOL

scrapper al said...

I find it highly amusing and very interesting that this post has received the most comments of my recent posts.