Monday, February 05, 2007

I saw her!

And hold her! Who you ask? My new niece C. My SIL gave birth to twins, early, and they're in the neonatal unit. We couldn't visit without the parents, but yesterday, we were at their place to drop off a little baby gift (little outfits for the girls). They were going back to the hospital and invited us along. They were in a hurry since my SIL wanted to get there in time to feed the babies. So we didn't have a chance to get the camera from home, unfortunately.

The nurse was wonderful. It didn't phase her that there were extra visitors, including one rambucous little boy. No issues with me holding sweet little C. I never asked, but I think BIL knew I wanted to so he offered. Thank you!

There were so many sweet picture opportunities. G kissing his sisters. The babies in their parents' arms. G gently stroking his sister's hair. The nurse handing C to my BIL (that really showed how tiny she is). My SIL cradling E in her arms. I wanted the pictures not just for myself, but for them. Their digital camera is broken and he's been taking pictures with his cell phone. But you know they aren't the best quality. I hope we get another opportunity to visit, with or without the camera. Until then, I can only hold their images in my heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(((hugs))) I can only imagine how you were beaming holding that little baby!! and I love your descriptions of the pictures missed. I hope you get some soon for you and the parents....stick your camera in your purse! ;)